As you can see Hover, my best friend, went with to Japan. We slept pretty well in the bed when own owner wasn't there.

We also ordered room service a few times that she was away. We figured the company she was working for would pay for it. The food was good, and the people were very nice to us.

Finally, the really weird thing about Japan, the toilets! ARF! were they out there. I mean look at those things. They have this thing that looks like a remote control on the side that I didn't want to know what all it did, but of course Hover wanted to push all the buttons. so he did. Water started flying all over the place, and a wet wombat is not a happy wombat very often, and boy did I let Hover know it. You could adjust the water pressure. I am not sure why you need that, and I am not sure I want to know (ARF!)
Anyways that was Japan, and it was fun. I will gladly go back at any time, but will avoid the tea and the toilets.
# posted by Mike @ 08:35