Saturday, May 05, 2007
JAPAN! A few parting pictures

As you can see Hover, my best friend, went with to Japan. We slept pretty well in the bed when own owner wasn't there.

We also ordered room service a few times that she was away. We figured the company she was working for would pay for it. The food was good, and the people were very nice to us.

Finally, the really weird thing about Japan, the toilets! ARF! were they out there. I mean look at those things. They have this thing that looks like a remote control on the side that I didn't want to know what all it did, but of course Hover wanted to push all the buttons. so he did. Water started flying all over the place, and a wet wombat is not a happy wombat very often, and boy did I let Hover know it. You could adjust the water pressure. I am not sure why you need that, and I am not sure I want to know (ARF!)
Anyways that was Japan, and it was fun. I will gladly go back at any time, but will avoid the tea and the toilets.
JAPAN! The last weekend

The last weekend I got to see more of Tokyo. Here you can see the dichotomy of new and old in Japan. I am in a old shrine (Arf! surprise surprise), and in the background you can see a new sky rise building. Tokyo was a BIG city, but a clean city. They can't smoke on a lot of street, and there was no litter that I saw.

I also got to go to a kabuki show. That was weird. I can say I went, but I will never go again. I cannot even explain what it was or what it meant. It was so out there.
JAPAN! The following weekend

The next weekend we got into a big train that went REALLY fast. I mean REALLY REALLY fast. I heard it is called the bullet train and I understand why that is now. Anyways, We went to Kyoto for the weekend, and I got to see and do a few different things. As you can see I got to see more shrines (left). I think the architecture was really neat.

I also got to participate in a tea ceremony. I thought the tea was rather bitter, and won't do that again probably, but it was a great experience. I heard that my owner really enjoyed it.

Arf, another shrine. I am not sure the Japanese do much else than build shrines and go to them. Oh well, you can also see some peach blossoms in the picture. We missed the cherry blossoms by a couple weeks (too bad), but these blossoms we great to see in their place. Maybe next time I go I will get a picture of the more famous blossoms. Stay tuned for that...
Finally in Kyoto I got to see a giant gold building. It is a very important place, so important that regular people aren't allowed in at all. Even when the president of the USA came he was only allowed in the bottom floor. If they can let the president in I would have thought they would want Moral the traveling wombat to come in, but they said no. Their loss. ARF!
JAPAN! The early days

Hello again! I got to go to Japan with one of my owners. She had to do some kind of work thing over there and so I got to go and relax. Above you can see a couple views of Tokyo. At first I didn't know what to think because I didn't speak the language, but I found out quickly that there are no other wombats in Japan (At least that I saw) so there was no problem there.
Below is me at one of the many shines throughout Japan. I am here with a stone carved dog. I don't think I would have wanted to mess around with the dog that had to pose for that sculpture. He doesn't look very nice.
Long time no arf!
So, my owners have been pretty bad recently about updating the blog. I am very sorry for all of you who have been coming and reading about my adventures. I do have updates though. I will start them in the next post here shortly. I just wanted to let you all know that it wasn't my fault. ARF!