So, the week after I got back from New Zealand I got to go to Costa Rica. So, here I am playing cards with my best friend Hoover. I don't rememeber what we played but I am sure I won.

It was quite rainy the entire time we were there. Here I am outside enjoying the rain.

I wanted to make sure I kept in contact with my sweetie,Cherish, back home She is so very great am wonderful. I cannot think of life without her. So, I talked to her using Skype. Free internet talking. It was great.

This is what I spent most of my week doing. TV was hard to understand because they were all speaking another language. It wasn't German, I had heard that before, I think I was told it was Spanish. At least there were subtitles sometimes.
Overall it was a fun and exciting trip. I would go back, but hopefully when it was clearer so I could see more of it.
# posted by Mike @ 15:40