Thursday, April 13, 2006
The Big, Fun Outdoors Trip
So this was the big trip to Yosemite and Sequoia. I got to go along on many of the hikes that my owners went on, and that was lots of fun - ARF! The first full day I got to see a deer, and trees, and here was the waterfall I got to see. It is Yosemite Falls. I understand that is it something like the 4 tallest waterfall in the world. Sure seems rather puny though. I was expecting more grandeur. I later found out that since we didn't go until August the water level was quite down and therefore the waterfall was so small. Oh well, maybe next time we can go during the wet season, and it will look bigger.
The next part of the trip I remember was when we went hiking higher in elevation. It was a gloomy and dark day, and it looked as if it would rain at any time. Well, we went walking up this mountain and all these wildflowers were around. I mean look at them, they are everywhere. There were lots of purple and yellow, and I saw some red. I liked these white ones I saw, but i didn't get to get my picture with one of those. ARRRRF!
The last part of the trip was to Sequoia National Park. For some reason I wasn't let out as much, and this is the only picture that made it home. So, here it is. This was taken from Moro Rock. We had to walk 4oo+ feet up the side of this piece of granite, and then there was nothing around. It wasn't a very clear day, and this was the best picture we could get. This was taken about half way up. I was being held out over the edge of a VERY long drop, and was quite scared that I would plummet to my death. Thankfully, my owner held onto me, and I made it home.
I really liked that trip and I am looking forward to more trips like it.
I am REALLY looking forward to our next trip that is coming up in just under a month. I get to go to my home country of Australia - ARF!!!!! Then we are heading to New Zealand, and I may get to meet a Kiwi bird. Also very exciting. I still have a few more trips to talk about in my pictures folder, and I will try to get those up before this up coming trip.
# posted by Mike @ 14:21