Back in June or July, I don't remember it has been so long, I went on a trip to Albuquerque. On the way there we stopped at the Very Large Array (the VLA). There isn't just one REALLY large dish, but lots and lots of smaller dishes that are arranged so that people can collect radio waves from space and turn them into information. Below are a few more pictures from

around that area. Like I said Big Dishes.

Here I am in one of the dishes. It was quite roomy.

After that we went to Albuquerque, but no pictures were taken there. On the way back we went to the Painted Desert/Petrified Forest National Park in northern AZ. There was a lot of red, and kind of reminded me of the color in the bush in Australia.

Here I am with one of my owners acting silly.

Finally, here I am sitting on a piece of petrified wood. So, this is supposed to be a piece of real wood that sometime long ago fell over, and then over time turned into wood. It is supposed to take a LONG time for that to happen, I think it is more likely God made some really cool rocks that look like wood. But only God knows for sure.
Overall another great trip. I will write more later! ARF!