Saturday, January 27, 2007
Walking on the road!
On the way home we stopped along the side of the road in an area near the painted desert in Arizona. You can kind of see it in the mountain behind me. BUT the key here was that I got to walk on the road. I mean look at me. I am walking ON a major road. And I am HUGE! I am as big as the cars that were passing. You never knew I was that big did you?
OK, I am not telling the truth. I am really not that big. It is all about perspective. I am a lot closer to the camera then the road is. It is like what they did in the Lord of the Rings trilogy to make the hobbits to look smaller than the other people.
All in all a GREAT trip. I just recently heard that I may get to go to Japan in the near future as well. I am really looking forward to that as well. ARF!
Utah Advernture Day 2
The next day we went to a place called Bryce Canyon. It was COLD and WEIRD looking. I thought that Zion was cold, but here it was cold and the wind was blowing hard at times. I think there were times I was growing icicles in my fur. Those things behind me are called hoodoos. Apparently they are men that were changed into stone by a wolf that was really mad at them. I knew a kangaroo that could turn koalas into bushes when I was growing up so I can understand how that can happen. You don't want to get on the wrong side of an animal that can change you into other things. I like being a wombat so I never made the kangaroo mad. I watched for that wolf all day, and never saw it. I am glad. I don't know if wolves like wombats or not.
It may not look cold in the picture, but trust me it was. Anyways, I really enjoyed Bryce, except for the cold. Maybe I will get to go back one day.
Utah Advernture Day 1
As I was saying before, I was surprised to find out that we were not just staying in Arizona. We headed into Utah. We went to a place called Zion. It was quite pretty. It was this canyon with red rock walls.
It was cold though. Here you can see me at the river that runs along the bottom of the canyon with the red rock walls lining the side. The wind was blowing a little and I thought I would freeze. Thankfully I was held close and warm by one of my owners whenever a picture wasn't being taken.
I liked Zion. It was different from other places I had been. BUT the last day was the most different, and interesting.
Northern Arizona
ARF! Sorry for the long time between posts. I have had a good time the last two months since I last wrote. At the end of December my owners took me to northern Arizona. And I don't mean Flagstaff like most people around here mean when they say northern Arizona, I mean NORTHERN ARIZONA - Page, AZ.
Once there I was taken on a 4 wheel driving adventure. It was a lot of fun, well except I kept falling off of the dashboard due to all the bumps and hills. I think cars need to install seat belts for stuffed wombats on the dashboard so that we wouldn't fly all over the place.
Anyways, Page was nice. The lake was big and cool looking, as were all the rocks jetting out of it and lining the sides. It was all quite picturesque. I was surprised by my owners to find out that this was just the beginning of the trip. The next day we headed off into Utah (I had never been there before).