This was really cool. My owner decided to let me meet a bunch of people at the photo show. I had never really met a whole lot of people before, and this was great - ARF! Here I am with Urs. He is a fairly well-known photographer. He has done fashion shows in Milan and Paris to name a few places, and he also does other photography as well. He was quite a good sport. He put he glasses on me. Apparently he is known for those red glasses. It was really great.
Then I got to meet Uli. He is a vice-president of Schneider Optics Germany. He is a VERY nice guy, and always was smiling and having a good time. He gave me this nice hug.

Finally, I got to meet Christoph. He is a camera dealer in Germany. Also, a nice guy. At first he wanted a picture taken of him pretending to eat me. That wasn't very funny. Finally, he relented and went with this picture.
Overall, Germany was a great time, and much better than 2 years ago. I hope next time is even better.
Well, I got to go to Germany with one of my owners for a business trip. It was a lit of fun. I went two years ago as well, but never got out of the hotel. I think he was embarrassed of me back then. Anyways, I got to go to a chocolate museum. Here I am in front of a chocolate fountain. There was no chocolate flying out like a fountain, but there was chocolate around the base, and that lady you see was handing out chocolate to people on wafers (no, not silicon wafers, sugar wafers).

I got to see the entire chocolate making process while I was there. They had this cool machine that picked the chocolate up using suction and carried them to the next step. It was really cool to see.